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Review: Hunter, Chapter One

Hunter by Mercedes Lackey 

What first got my attention from the book was the cover, I loved the image of the tailed beast and the fog that seemed to give it some cover. I haven't previously read any books from Mercedes Lackey but when I opened the book and read the first couple pages I was immediately immersed into the world. Im a huge fan of anything Fantasy and this book did not disappoint. 

Chapter One

Her life in the Mountains! That’s what I wanted to read more of, she talked about a battle that had happened at Anston's well and how she had to step up alongside others even some younger than her to fight off the othersiders. Her fighting tactics seemed to be more human than any sort of the “Hunter” abilities that she possess, an AK47 is her main choice of attack and the only thing magical she really uses are her hounds. 

Her Hounds are magical beings that came after the break through. The only main thing we know from the hounds right now are that they use the othersiders as mana replenishments and that her hounds are shape shifters. All hounds have unique abilities and shape shifting is one of the rare traits, she was one of three hunters who's hounds had the ability to change what they looked like.

Overall her life and what it was before she even stepped foot on that train seemed to be the most interesting. 

While on the train we get to see her and how observant she is, as well as how judgmental she can be. Most of the time she is assuming how other people perceive her and then she judges them just as much. She believes that they see her as a poor girl who seems out of place and how they are probably looking down on her. Then she judges them on how they are not prepared and they don’t know the rugged life she was used to on the mountains. FYI I don’t think you should be worried about what other people think of you, nor should you be judgmental to them as well. She seemed to be more judgmental towards the passengers and not just people in general. She was able to interact with the staff, and that’s when we meet the steward with a nice and quirky personality. She was able to talk to him and even showed him and the other workers her hounds. She opened the portal that is a one way entry for them and the appearance that they chose was one with sleek fur. They also had fiery eyes but all I got to say to that is, if I was near her hounds I would want to pet them, she described the fur to be as soft as antique silks. During her interaction with all of the workers she was shy but after the whole ordeal she was able to talk to the quirky steward with no problems. 

I liked her overall as a character, she seems to be very observant and ready for anything to go wrong. I brought up how observant she was twice because i’m being serious here. Either the author is just info dumping or this girl observes everything. Im gonna go with the later since I really like it.

Since I brought up the author, something that I loved what she wrote was the futuristic slang, it sounds funny yet its still easy to understand, such as hot chocolike. Let me know in the comments if you think you know what it means. Need a hint? It's a beverage. 

If you want to read a different perspective you can go to Angry's page here*

You can buy the book here Hunter*

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